Sunday, January 9, 2011


As many of you know back at the end of September I was called to be the First Counselor in our Wards Relief Society. At the time I was very overwhelmed but I jumped into it head first and worked very hard. I prayed for guidance and made every attempt to serve to the best of my ability. The last few months have been very challenging for me. My poor mom and husband have had been my rock and sounding board. For that I am truely greatful. Today after many months I was released and put into Primary. There are those I worked with who think they know the reason why, however what they think is not the case. The reasons are not important but I know I did my best.
I would like to share what I learned. I am a much stronger person than I thought and I have learned to stand up for myself even if it means stepping on toes along the way. When I have prayed for answers and guidance and I get the answer DO NOT try to tell me that my answers are wrong. Second, ruling those you are serving with an iron fist, can smother their spirit. This is what happened to me. Those of you who know me well know that me not wanting to go to church is not who I am. Sadly this had become the case. I didnt like the person I was becomming and I was miserable. I hope the President I served with learns the lessons she needs to learn, I hope she is able to grow in the ways she needs. Sadly I cannot be the person to help her.

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