Monday, April 22, 2013

Answered prayers.

I intentionally waited a while to post this because we wanted to tell some of you in person and were waiting to tell a friend who shall remain nameless, of ours who kept promising to stop by. Two weeks ago this Thursday John was offered and accepted a job. His first day was today. He says he's feeling overwhelmed at all he has to learn but is grateful for the laid back environment he's been blessed with.
We want to public ally thank everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers on our behalf. We are now both employed, and have become stronger people because of the trials we have faced. We have learned who we really can count on. We are also grateful for our amazing families who without them we would never have made it through the last few months. Thank You. Both our jobs are truly answers to prayers. We know our Father in Heaven knows us and knows what we need and that he will give it to us in his time.
We love you all. Thanks again