My mom requested that I finally update my blog. I have been meaning to do this for a while but life has been crazy. First off John and I really enjoyed having my mom here for a couple of weeks. She helped me get our yard ready for winter. This was quite a project because John had not been able to work on the yard for reasons many of you know for a couple of years. Now that a lot of the work was done I feel like we will have a head start next spring.
Shortly after she left I was put into the Relief Society Presidency as the First Counselor. In my ward it was decided that "since Im the creative one" I should be in charge of Relief Society night. This new calling has come with many challenges and has definitly been a growing experience and I have learned a lot. So far Heavenly Father has quided me in what activities we should do as a ward relief society. Im now working on comming up with a theme for January and so far have no ideas but I'm working on it.I am blessed to be able to work with a couple of amazing sisters who have been very helpful.
Johns mom and I decided that we would share the cooking duties and actully cook Thanksgiving dinner. In the past it has been a family tradition to go out to dinner at one of the casinos. As my family will tell you I have been a bit homesick missing family so it was important to me that we do this. I was super excited about it. I made a pumpkin and apple raisen pie and was working on the sweet potatoes when I forgot the all important rule of tucking my fingers in while chopping. This is what my finger looked like after I had 9 stitches put in at the Urgent Care. Yes that is my finger and not a part of the male anatomy. I got my stitches out yesterday and while my finer looks much better I have a lot of healing to do.
This week I have had the opportunity to serve one of the sisters in my ward who is also a pretty good friend. She was run over by her car after her son started it. She sustained a couple of pretty serious injuries which have made it difficult to care for her 6 week old baby. Its been a joy to help her out and came as a help when we lost a dear friend who was older. Im apart of a group of ladies who go to movies each Tuesday and this dear sister had become like a grandmother. I was there along with another sister and her son as she collapsed, and subsequently later passed away, while we were entering the movie theater.
Life is so short and one thing I have learned is that we should take nothing for granted. Love each other and take the time to spend it with the ones we love because we never know how much time we have left on this earth.
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