Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My cell phone camera my NEW best friend!!!

As I have begun the planning process of our wedding I have realized that doing so when your fiance lives 2000 miles away can make things interesting. Thank goodness there is such things as cell phones with cameras in them. Mine has become my new best friend. For example, Saturday I went with my mom and sister to look for paper for the announcements. While at Hobby Lobby, I ran into a fellow bride friend of mine who told me that all the wedding items were on sale 50% off. I'm all for saving money so we headed over to look at what they had. I found a pair of glasses to use for a toast (sparkling cider only will be used so no worries my friends). I know that my sweetheart wants a say in things so, I take a picture of them and send it asking what he thinks, get a response after some waiting and bought them. The cell phone camera also came in handy today as I picked out my flowers including my bridal bouquet. I much more planning to do so I'm sure this new best friend of mine will come in handy over the next few months as we plan..

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wedding Blog

Here is the start of the wedding blog for our Temple sealing in the OKC Temple on Oct 23rd 2009.